David Corcoran
Founder and CEO, Dialogue Social Enterprise; Ashoka Fellow
Categories: Experts+Speakers
David Corcoran is a Language & Communication Coach, EQ Professional and Lecturer, who hails from Australia and moved to Vienna in January 2015 with his family. In Australia, David was a professional Opera Singer performing with Opera Australia at the Sydney Opera House. To see a list of roles click on ‘Opera Repertoire’.
David has completed a Bachelor degree and Graduate Diploma in Psychology, a Diploma in Coaching, the CELTA and a Masters of Science in Human Resources Management at International Business School where he achieved a Distinction. He is an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) with the International Coaching Federation. He is also certified as an Emotional Intelligence Assessor through 6 Seconds and is a Certified EQ Facilitator.
David combines his communication skills in voice, public speaking, emotional intelligence and coaching on top of his native English skills to help people improve themselves. He is passionate about personal development and encouraging others to become better versions of themselves and to take responsibility for their communication . David is also a Lecturer in Body Language at the FH Wien der WKW for the Bachelor of Corporate Communications Course in English, as well as a permanent Lecturer at FH Burgenland in International Business Communication. He collaborates with Die Schule des Sprechens and 6 Seconds Europe.
David is an active Toastmaster, which is a worldwide public speaking organisation, and he has served as the Division Director of Toastmasters in Austria, a Club President of Vienna Toastmasters Club