Elisabeth Mayerhofer

Managing Director, Julius Raab Foundation

Categories: Alumni, Central-Eastern Europe Region, Foundations

***Alumna of the Ashoka Visionary Program (CEE) 2017/2018***

Elisabeth earned a Master´s degree in political science from the University of Vienna. She studies in China and Rumania and enjoyed working in France as well as in the US. Elisabeth has working experience in fields such as renewable energy, communication and strategy consultancy and political organisations. Since 2015 Elisabeth heads Julius Raab Fundation, an Austrian Think Tank with focus on Digital Transformation, Innovation, Social Market Economy and SMEs.

Elisabeth is a trained systemic coach and moderator. She is an experienced stakeholder process desinger and works with innovative methods such as Lego® Serious Play®. She volunteers as board member of the Seebrunner Kreis, an economical network in Salzburg Austria and as Managing Director of Rudolf Sallinger Fonds. Rudolf Sallinger Fonds focuses on bringing more entrepreneurship to Austria’s universities. Elisabeth initiated DIGI PLAY DAYS, Austria’s biggest event on digital serious play in the educational context.

Please note that this description dates from the start of the program, if not stated differently. Want to see your bio updated with your new social impact achievements?
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