Sascha Haselmayer

Ashoka Fellow, Founder of Citymart, Partner Ashoka Germany

Categories: Ashoka Fellows, Experts+Speakers

As an Ashoka Fellow, Sascha Haselmayer has been creating mechanisms to spread innovation into cities, improve governance, and radically alter the way cities deliver much-needed services. With the use of new technology application concepts—a city as a lab—he is mobilizing a new community focused on making cities more functional for citizens. A new space for government, corporations, and public sectors to engage for larger social impact.#

Sascha is an author, social entrepreneur, and adviser to leaders of social change. He works as a partner at Ashoka Germany and has led urban and government innovation projects in over 40 countries. He trained as an architect and am an Ashoka Fellow, a non-resident Fellow at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, and a former Fellow at New America.

In 2011, he founded Citymart – an organization that transformed expectations and practices of public procurement by introducing civic engagement, diversity, and innovation to a core bureaucratic process. Prior to Citymart he pioneered the development of inclusive urban innovation districts and civic service innovation in cities through co-founding Living Labs Global in 2003, a non-profit network of urban innovation labs and Interlace-Invent in 2001, advising governments, investors, and universities in Europe and Asia.

Sascha has built countless coalitions, partnerships and managed complex grants and contracts with city halls, governments, foundations, investors, and businesses. He have been recognized for my contributions to urban, social and public service innovation. He has delivered keynotes at global events and lectured at institutions like the London School of Economics, IESE and Chicago University. And he has been a trusted adviser to organizations like the Rockefeller Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Aspen Institute. He served on the selection committee of the Bloomberg Mayor’s Challenge and the Advisory Board of the UN Global Compact Cities Programme.

🎉 Sascha was elected as an Ashoka Fellow from Germany in 2011. Learn more about him on his Fellow profile.

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